Big Data on your local machine : Installing Hadoop Cluster (Multi Node regime)
A few days ago I published an article about Hadoop installation (in Single Node regime). After that I received so many emails from guys who wanted to change their single node to cluster (Multi-Node regime). So, I’ll help you ‘cause I had similar problems a few months ago when my System Administrator took his holidays and left me face to face with a lot of single machines without Cluster Ring of Power. Thinking about future cluster Let’s start! Of course, we should have a Virtual Machine (VM) with Ubuntu 14.10 and installed Hadoop 2.6.0 according instructions from previous paper . In the first, we need to design future cluster and understand how many nodes are required for our deals. If it is your first cluster and your have few separated primary nodes, it will be easy to join them one by one. The master node will run the ‘father’ threads for each floor: NameNode for the HDFS storage layer, and JobTracker for the MapReduce proce...